Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in California (2019)




拉丁美洲人, 黑色的, Asian and low-income communities are exposed to substantially more air pollution from cars, trucks and buses than other demographic groups in California. 多年来, this has been a known fact among affected communities, whom have experienced first hand the dangerous impacts of air pollution, 比如肺病和心脏病, 哮喘, 以及过早死亡.

We quantified the exposure of these groups to particulate matter (PM2.5)  from on-road sources and compared it to other demographic segments. 超出了这个分析的范围, 港口排放, 农业生产方式, 灰尘, and other sources are well known to contribute to poor air quality and negative health outcomes for affected areas. 


Fine particles — less than one-tenth the diameter of a human hair — pose a serious threat to human health, as they can penetrate deep into the lungs. 一些PM2.5 is formed during the burning of gasoline and diesel in an engine, while additional PM2.5 is created in the atmosphere from the reaction of exhaust gases and other air pollutants. 柴油机尾气 是PM污染的主要来源. 


  • On average, 黑色的 Californians are exposed to PM2.5 .污染 提高43% 而不是加州白人.
  • 拉丁裔加州人暴露于PM2.5污染 高出39%, on average, 而不是加州白人.
  • The lowest-income households in the state live where PM2.5 .污染是 高出10% 低于州平均水平.
  • The highest income households live where PM2.5 .污染是 低于13% 州平均.
  • Californians living in households without a personal vehicle are also exposed to much higher levels of vehicle pollution than other households because they tend to live in urban areas surrounded by vehicle traffic.


Reichmuth,大卫. 2019. Inequitable Exposure to Air Pollution from Vehicles in California. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.
